Last year we closed this blog because we had some issues with "trolls" - people taking over the blog, changing the password, and writing posts hostile to critical mass.
As a result, we made it a "team blog", which means people can be invited to become members of the blog, or administrators of the blog.
I originally started the blog in Nov 2005 to help publicize and provide a forum for discussion about critical mass in Ottawa. This has worked to some degree, but a lot of critical massers do not use the blog. On top of this, I have left Ottawa, so now there are a number of others who administer the blog. But it takes a lot of time, and this seems to be falling on only a few people's shoulders.
The question is, are people still reading this blog? Does it serve a function?
If it is serving a function, is its current status of updates, etc., sufficient?
Do we need more administrators or members?