We ride the last Friday of every month all year round. Meet at confederation park (elgin and laurier) at 5:30, ride leaves at 6pm!

This is a team blog. To join the team (and get access to post and/or administer the site), email criticalmassottawa@gmail.com

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September Critical Mass

September Critical Mass is tomorrow, Friday, the 24th. I've been asked to post the following message:

Dear Friends, family, activists, cyclists, world changers and people lovers.

It is with much regret that I write to you to inform you of a tragic event.
On september the 16th the Otesha Highlands and Islands tour (www.otesha.ca) was on tour in New brunswick. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Otesha, they are a not for profit, youth run, organization based in Ottawa, who organize cycling/performing tours all over Canada, spreading messages of empowerment, action, daily choices and love for the earth.
Three of the tour members were struck by a truck on one of the highways and one of the three was killed. Andrew wolf, a young man who, undoubtably, like the other members on his tour was inspired to share this great message with youth and adults alike, far and wide.

Any of us who have been on a bike before know that this could have happend to any of us on our two-wheeled travels. And anyone who has been on a bike tour such as this will know how incredibly difficult it must be for Andrews team mates still on tour.

Please join myself and other fellow cyclists/world changers/people lovers/activists/family and friends for a commemorative Critical mass bike ride in solidarity for Andrew, The Otesha project, and cyclists in general, on friday september 24 at 6:30 starting at city hall.
Critical mass is a family friendly event that encourages the use of bicyles in the city, they are a free flowing bike ride to celebrate, meet people, smile, ring bells and do what we love! RIDE OUR BIKES!!
The rides do not have a planned route and there are no assigned leaders, feel free to decorate your bike, dress up and invite all of your friends...in fact please do!
Otesha alumni, please bring your Otesha shirt!, Not Otesha alumni, feel free to turn your shirt inside out for the ride.

Cars dominate the road 30 days of the month, Critical mass is a day when we can imagine the world differently.

Please, please forward this to anyone who maybe interested.
I hope to see you all there,

in solidarity,



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