We ride the last Friday of every month all year round. Meet at confederation park (elgin and laurier) at 5:30, ride leaves at 6pm!

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Copenhagen: This is what's possible.

The bicycle-centric city is not a pipe dream. Let's make it happen here.


Blogger * said...

Hi guys. This year Barcelona stepped way up and added a Public Bike Rental Service that will be city wide. Go to,
I'm a member since the first week it started. The bikes are sooooo good. They are well kept and the city is extremely bike friendly.
Hope it will inspire you all!!
The time is right for this kind of project. .jc

2:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried all the way through. When will North America catch up to this??

8:48 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

"I cried all the way through. When will North America catch up to this??"

Whenever I watch a video in either Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Houten (and so many other European Cities) I do the same thing.

7:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Copenhagen and I can say that yes, it is great (I have to bikes and no car). But it's not all rose red, there are still a hell of a lot of cars in the city (even though it's IMO stupid to have one in the city) and bikers must watch out for cars and trucks when they swing the the right, sometimes the bikes are unfortunately invisible to the drivers (it's not like they try to ram them on purpose I think)

7:17 AM


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