Critical Mass Friday 25 August
Hey everyone,
Just to remind you, Critical Mass is this upcoming Friday. Bring you bike, longboard, rollerblades, skateboard, unicycle, trailer, tricycle, wheelchair or other non-motorised (exception for wheelchairs) vehicle and gather at 5:30pm at the fountain in Confederation Park (Elgin & Laurier, downtown Ottawa) for a super snakey ride. It's always friendly so don't worry if you don't know anyone else who's going, I promise you will by the end!
Is there a theme for this month? I dno't remember.
At any rate I hope to see everyone there!
Critical mass for climate justice!
ps: i had talked to and emailed several people regarding thsi, as well as proposed it at last month's ride. my understanding was that it was proposed and agreed upon in a meeting, but i could be wrong.
12:01 AM
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