We ride the last Friday of every month all year round. Meet at confederation park (elgin and laurier) at 5:30, ride leaves at 6pm!

This is a team blog. To join the team (and get access to post and/or administer the site), email criticalmassottawa@gmail.com

Monday, August 21, 2006

Critical Mass Friday 25 August

Hey everyone,

Just to remind you, Critical Mass is this upcoming Friday. Bring you bike, longboard, rollerblades, skateboard, unicycle, trailer, tricycle, wheelchair or other non-motorised (exception for wheelchairs) vehicle and gather at 5:30pm at the fountain in Confederation Park (Elgin & Laurier, downtown Ottawa) for a super snakey ride. It's always friendly so don't worry if you don't know anyone else who's going, I promise you will by the end!

Is there a theme for this month? I dno't remember.

At any rate I hope to see everyone there!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Critical mass for climate justice!

ps: i had talked to and emailed several people regarding thsi, as well as proposed it at last month's ride. my understanding was that it was proposed and agreed upon in a meeting, but i could be wrong.

12:01 AM


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